Yali Capkini Ep 92 With English Subtitles
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Yali Capkini Episode 92 English Subtitles |
Yali Capkini 92 English This week’s episode. First of all I just have to praise Mert’s acting so talented and execellent in how he is portray everything ⭐️👏.
We begin by seeing more deeply into Ferit’s mental state where it becomes very clear that this is not just depression. When he sees and talks to his alter ego who tries to impress upon him how bad a person he is and everything is his fault and makes him think he crossed the line with Suna, you understand he is suffering from something much bigger.
One of Ferit’s major traumas in life was that he was sexually abused as a young person and it affects one’s person in many ways and something that is in the risk zone and can develop picause of that is post-traumatic dissociative identity disorder
The other thing is schizophrenia which causes, among other things, habits and hallucinations that is a hereditary disease and his aunt Nuuket also suffered from this and these two mean many different things in there symptoms and criteria that fit well with his way of being and dealing with different things. We have seen during the course of the series different occasions when he struggled with things and after he no longer takes the pills / drugs that Diyar gave, it may have triggered everything as medications and drugs also affect things and can cause many side effects.
After all, with what is going on in his body and mind, Ferit tries to be the one to protect the family. He is ready to give up his life so that everyone can live in peace, where he is no longer the cause of anything that can or does harm them because that is what he believes is all because of him.
All he wants is to save everyone he loves and it is truly heartbreaking to see his pain and inner struggle 💔
When he heard that they were after Suna, he went to solve it in his own way, and when Seyran follows and stops him, the consequence is that he takes it all out on her because she gets involved and because he is right about she exposes herself to danger, danger from which he tries to protect her from. She should have thought about how it turned out when she did the same when he was going to meet the Count, how angry he got then. She should instead have gone to Orhan or Hallis who could then have sent backup to bring him home instead and let them take care of it. Seyran doesn’t learn from his mistakes either.
That Seyran hasn’t listened to Ferit since before when he every time told her to mind her business until he sorted things out and she also didn’t believe him when he collapsed and then instead just ratted him out to Halis. And was the reason Ferit got kicked out was the start of him starting to distance himself from her. Ferit is human and everything and everyone is over his head and the one person who suppose to be on his side is Seyran but the last few episodes Seyran hasn’t been on his side.
And these things from her also became a big reason why he started to have an attitude towards her. Is his bet against her ok? No, but in all things combined
there are more righteous reasons for it.
And when he now also thinks he has done the worst thing one can do, he pushes her away even more. Because he cannot bear the thought that he could have done this.
He also knows that he is not doing well, that he no longer controls anything, pushing her away is also his way of protecting her from his demons. We also mustn’t forget that it’s quite a classic way to try to be mean to someone because they want them to let go and leave. And his previous experiences with her have been that she left time and time again when they argued, she has always given up, but now that doesn’t work either because she was now clear that she won’t leave him. But she needs to respect his feelings and not force herself on him and pressure him just because she’s frustrated and doesn’t understand what’s going on with him. When she didn’t want to talk about things he let her be and now she has to do the same and just be there.
She tries to show him care and love but he is not receptive to anything. And Seyran’s attempt to talk about the future to reach him and show that she wants it with him, I understand she is trying to help but unfortunately it only backfires and he just gets more and more angry and frustrating. And it is completely impossible for him to think about the future because of everything that is going on for him emotionally. And Hallis again shows his true colors, that all he cares about and wants is an heir to carry on Korhan’s name he knows Seyran can die if she goes through a pregnancy but he doesn’t care.
Neither he nor Seyran realizes that brining a child in this situation is the worst thing you can do when he feels like this. First of all, he needs to find out everything that is going on with him and get treantment, secondly, their relationship needs to be built up and become stable and good before such a thing should even come up . Communication is something they have to make work between them because that part has never existed between them enough. And she needs to break her habit of not yelling at him or trying to reprimand him because that won’t help it only have the opposite effect.
Remember when Pelin pressured him when he wasn’t feeling well and he then threatened that he would be the worst father if he didn’t get space to breath exactly like that would it be now if they have a child come into the world now. Neither of them cares about the suffering they want to give him by making a choice for him that he doesn’t get to be involved in and where he will also risk to lose the love of his life because of sutch a decision.
That she wants to understand, and wants him to talk to her about things, and that she feels sad that she can no longer be the one to reach him as she always did, it is touching but neither she nor his family can help him in this as he needs professional help the only thing they can do is support and be there in the right way and change how they treat him too and let him decide his own life without pressure from anyone.
When he then comes back from Cicek and Hallis questions what he is trying to do by going there himself and acting the way he did, Hallis chose to have a certain harsh tone but not in the same way he usually does which I thought was good, and finally everyone’s got their eyes up and see he is not feeling well, that there is something very wrong. However, Orhan tried to reduce it a bit in the first place, but when it comes to mental illness , it is very difficult to understand when you have not experienced or dealt with such things before, so it is understandable that he perhaps took it a little lightly, which is very common relatives do. But later Orhan’s words were touching but he has failed Ferit on many levels and many times so it is also understandable that he cannot take it in.
But it is sad that everyone has understod things for years in his family but they have just brushed it off instead of addressing it earlier. And Seyran who didn’t understand when she met him that it could be something bigger. Everyone has always just judge him instead of both see and think it could be something wrong. So whatever others say or think, Ferit has been a victim of alot and still is.
That Seyran was the one who could reach Ifakat was quite understandable as she knows how it feels to be exposed to something like that. And it was very sweet of her that after everything Ifakat did to her, she wanted to be a support. A moving moment ❤️. I just hope it’s not gonna get back at her, the kindness she shows to women who’s done alot of wrongs just like with Pelin.
Then maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to tell them that they were actually looking for Suna, there it became a bit like Seyran always does, talking without thinking about the consequences just like she did when it comes to Ferit. But it was a very understandable reaction of Ifakat when she rushed down and wanted to go on Suna.
Because if Suna had chosen not to be selfish and instead sacrificed herself by going with Abidin her husband when he came for her, Ifakats would not have been exposed. But Suna is selfish as always. Suna is a major cause of much of their suffering they have all had to go through. Was also got to some relieved that Ifakat was not subjected to a rape even though it was very terrible what she went through . It was sweet of Ifakat to apologize to Seyran after also moving moment ❤️.
When Ferit is then ordered by Ifakat to take revenge and he makes the plan with Suna and primarily wants to do everything himself, I was glad he didn’t oppose them but let the rest of the family be part of the plan after Orhan and Kazim understood what he was going to do . Here we got to see a teamwork as a family where Kazim has also now chosen side. Ohh what he loved to be boss and tell the guards 😂. That’s how we want them in a united front. And it was nice they suspected there might be a spy in the house. So hopefully Ayse will be revealed soon. 🙌
Because Ayse makes me lose it completely. And now I really blame Sefika for not sending her away right away when Seyran, Abidin and Suna were to move in. She knew what hat she had inside of her.
It felt like Suna agreed to the plan for a completely different reason than what she told Abidin that she wanted to protect her family. In my eyes it was that she wanted to be saved by Ferit because she so badly wants him to have feelings for her and that’s why she agreed.
Because when she then thanked Ferit, you could see how she tried to flirt with him, behave as she did when they were sitting in the apartment. She says I felt very safe, until today I never felt such a thing even with my own father. Those words were very similar when Seyran said how she felt when Ferit defended her when she had registered for school.
Then when Suna says how scared she was but thought Ferit would come and protect me get me out of there. Here she again clearly shows how much she wants there to be something between them, as like she tries to create some special bond between them through experiences. She also said she wanted him pay attention to her other choices which was only hers not his.
So i really want to point out that Ferit showed with his answer that he 100% does not have any such feelings for her and never will. He has never liked her as a person he has only put up with her because she is Seyran’s sister. So bravo Ferit with your true words you told her 👏. But it is hard also for him when his alter ego also tried to make him believe he is the cause of the suffering Suna is feeling and even after everything Suna said when they talked in the apartment it also made him feel guilty towards her.
Then Suna admits when he was about to jump into the sea that nothing happened between them, that she messed up and takes everything back. So in my eyes she was the one trying to take advantage of the opportunity just like Pelin did. And she has been trying to play mind games with him ever since to try to manipulate him into believing something happened that was only in her head. And Ferit shows he would rather die than either be with her or choose her.
I’m glad they can’t blame him for what the consequence got after they brought Suna home and after what they did to Karam cause everyone was on board, so that was a relief.
Then when Seyran and Ifakat go to the workshop and he doesn’t get to know it, I understand he gets angry again, he got the ring from Hallis, the ring which is supposed to mean, among other things, that hi shoulf be involved in decisions about things, but for him, he don’t get that respect. And on top of that the fear and worry that something would happen.
Ifakat saw a new side of Seyran when she talked to all the masters took them seriously and wanted to hear and listen to them. She looked so proud how Seyran handled it. But in her self-confidence, Seyran thought she had succeeded in persuading them and solved the problem, which was not the case at all, which I thought was nice, because then she might learn that she can also be blind and naive many times and make mistakes. That she is not the best and smartest in everything.
Abidin has committed the biggest mistake of his life both when he trusted Cicek without even hesitating. And how he truly believed his only family and brother Ferit that he betrayed him instead of seeing Suna’s true colors. Cicek also showed with her words to Karem that Abidin is just a pawn in her game. And when he now realizes Suna, Seyran and Ferit were shot, he will realize his hatred was directed at the wrong people except for Suna then. And he will suffer enormously from this .
Here we also got to see Ferit’s enormous love for Seyran, he ran towards her to try to protect her, that’s why he lay on top of her, she was even in his state seconds before the one and only he prioritized to save ❤️and Suna lay alone next them.
Also Orhan chose to protect Gulgun instead of Ifakat so he may have realized who he really cares about the most out of the two of them❤️ . It’s a littlebit sad she didn’t have someone to protect her. Hallis and Kazim also protected their wives. ❤️
So will it be a parallel Suna dies vs Fuat. I hope not as I want her true colors to come out and I hope both Ifakat and Hattuce will help and open Seyran’s eyes to who her sister really is. Because if Seyran heard something of what Suna said, I don’t want Ferit to have to defend himself
and you can’t pressure Suna. When it comes to Seyfer, they won’t die but hopefully this can bring them closer together again.❤️ For me it was one of the better episode in this Season .